On Tuesday, July 2nd, Roberta Carlson was killed in a car accident while on her way to Westercon 61 in Las Vegas, NV. Three other NW fen were also with Roberta at the time of the accident. Bill Boyde (the new NWSFS Treasurer), and Nez were shaken up a bit, but are fortunately OK. Nick Navota who was also in the car suffered injuries to his hands that resulted in the loss of three fingers on his right hand and the reattachment of a finger and thumb on the left hand.
This accident has hit local fandom very hard. From what I have read in lists and on blogs, Roberta, and Nick, along with Bill and Nez are in the thoughts of many a fen. Our hearts go out to Roberta's family and friends, and our hope is for Nick to recover as best he can given the nature of his injuries. I know that local fen will come together to do whatever they can to help Roberta's family with their loss, and Nick with his recovery. We also feel for Bill and Nez, and we look forward to their safe return home.
I only met Roberta a couple of times, but she stuck me as a very kind and giving person. Many other fen who knew "Bert" have posted on the Norwescon Blog, and Katrina has written more about her and the accident in the "Fandom News & World Report - 7/3" listed below. KOMO News also posted about the accident here.
Please feel free to post your comments here, on the NWSFS MySpace, NWSFS LJ, or Norwescon Blogs. ~ Jim
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12 years ago
Excuse me, there were 4 NW fen with Bert. Howitzer was also in the car and he is luckily okay, as well.
Thanks for the clarification. There was some confusion on my part as to how many were in the car. My apologies to Howitzer ~ Jim
The members of the Seattle in 2011 Worldcon bid have humbled me with their bravery here at Westercon. Though grief-stricken, in shock, and in some cases physically cut and bruised, they have pulled together to man the bid table and hold bid parties on both Friday and Saturday night. Those whom I've talked to all say the same thing: that they are doing what Bert would want them to do.
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