Friday, July 25, 2008

News and Blog Updates: July 25, 2008

News Worth Reposting:
RustyCon 26 - Hotel & date for the next Rustycon!
The next RustyCon will be held on January 9-11, 2009, and will be at the Seattle Airport Marriott. Make your reservations soon. Rooms will sell out fast. Also, get your memberships in soon, $30 now but the rates will go up! More information can be found on the Rustycon site:

SF Reviews.Net - New review posted: Buckell's SLY MONGOOSE
"Added to the main site on 7/21: Toby Buckell's sequel to his Nebula-nominated Ragamuffin is a phenomenal example of action-packed space-opera storytelling."

Are We Alone - Next show available July 21, 2008: "Genes That Fit"
Remember Mr. Potato Head? You changed his look by snapping in plastic mustaches, googly eyes and feet. Now imagine doing the same with a living cell: inserting the genes you want to create the organism you want. Welcome to the world of synthetic biology. It has potential to create new bio-fuels and life-saving drugs. It also ushers in a host of ethical and safety concerns. We examine both when we discuss this emerging science of mix and match genes. Plus, does doing an end run around Mother Nature challenge the essence of life itself? Guests:

You can listen to this and other episodes at: and be sure to check the Are We Alone Profile and Blog on MySpace.

Next Steamcon Meeting! - Sunday July 27th at 3:00 - 4:45 P.M. at the Capitol Hill branch of the Public Library. 425 Harvard Ave. E. Seattle WA

GUD Magazine - Special offer for NWSFS News Blog readers!
For the entire month of July, GUD Magazine ( ) will be offering 50% off for the PDF versions of Issues 0 and 1 for readers of the NWSFS Blogs. Go to:

Headlines From SF News Sites:
Clarkesworld Magazine and Wyrm Publishing: Some quick Clarkesworld Updates

RevolutionSF: X-Files: Who's Scully's Baby Daddy? (Feature), Tron 2 Coming Soon; Will Love Us Unconditionally (News)

SciFi Scanner: The X-Files: I Want to Believe Review - Gillian Anderson's Pained Expression Says It All

SF Signal:
The Website at the End of the Universe: I still want to believe

Selected Blog Updates:
Ask Nicola (Nicola Griffith) - Friday audio: Spawn of Satan

Chuck Palahniuk - "I’ll Be At Comic-Con This Sunday"

Cynthia Leitich Smith - "YA Book & Writer News; Giveaways"

Dark Horse Comics - "Dark Horse Announcements From San Diego Comic-Con 2008", & "Buffy is the Best Superhero!"


Karina L. Fabian - "My Novel’s Journey: Pit Stop for a Short Story"

***** - Open mic at Enter the Octopus, & Ranty rant rant about publishing

Lisa Mantchev - "Spicy Slipstream Stories (cover and preorder!)"

Lois McMaster Bujold - "WorldCon in two weeks!"

Maria V. Snyder - "Taste of Liberty - not my summer ;>"

Marianne De Pierres - "Paul Haines Fundraiser"

Morpheus Tales - "Morpheus Tales 1 Available from"

Pacfic Science Center - Calendar Of Science On Twitter

Paul Halpern - "Time Journeys", & "Linked by Cosmic Wormholes"

Planet Pride - "Open project puts exoplanet searches to the test", "Planet and star in puzzling waltz", "Blasted by Impacts", "Comets may be spawned when mum breaks up", & "Midnight Sun on Mars"

SF Novelists - Bringing Together Authors and Readers - Book Groups Edition

Spectra Pulse - Lynn Flewelling signing copies of Shadows Return at ComicCon

Steampunk - "Steampunk Art Show , August 16 -24 th "

"Whatever" (John Scalzi) - Don’t Stop MP3in’, Hold On That Feeling, & Your Instructor For Your “Advanced Catnappery” Course

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