Special Notice:
So maybe you noticed a few changes. I have been planning to make some changes to both the MySpace Blog, and to the Blogspot blog, and today marks the start of those changes. The biggest change is that I have split the Blogspot blog into different sections or pages, with each one focused on a specific subject. These pages are:
- NWSFS News - Main Page: This is the equivalent of a front page of a newspaper. You will find NWSFS specific and general links lists here, along with special announcements and features. The "News Nibbles" notices will be posted here and will include a bullet listing for the latest news on the Blog Feeds and News, Science Fiction News Feeds, & Science News Pages.
- Blog Feeds and News: Not only will you find current blog update listings here, but you will find RSS feeds for virtually every blog that is monitored by the NWSFS News crew.
- Cascadia Convention & Events News: The latest Convention listings and news by Isaac Alexander, plus RSS feeds to many local convention blogs, and links listings.
- Local News: Local news, and links, plus up-to-date RSS feeds.
- Science Fiction News Feeds: This page replaces the News Headlines section of the blog and includes RSS feeds to all the nonitored SF News sites. Links listings to SF News sites will be added shortly.
- Science News: The name pretty much says it all - science news, links, and RSS feeds, from such great sites as Are We Along, Planet Pride, and Bad Astronomy. If you have any suggestions for addtional sites, drop me a line.
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