Thursday, July 10, 2008

In Memoriam: Roberta "Bert" Carlson

Roberta "Bert" Carlson: Aug 31 1964 - July 2 2008

Roberta "Bert" Carlson was fatally injured in a car accident while en route to Westercon in Las Vegas, NV. Four other NW fen (Bill Boyde, Nick Navota, Nez, and Howitzer) survived the accident and have returned home. Roberta or "Bert" as she liked to be called was a friend to many NW fen, including myself. I only knew her briefly, but I can honestly say that she was a sweet and friendly person, and always giving to NW Fandom.

When you visit the links below, you will find many comments from local fen who knew her much better than I. Those comments will give you a much better picture of what a great person "Bert" truly was. I believe the best tribute I can give "Bert" is the great picture that her friend Pamela Rapinan has given me permission to post. To me it pretty much sums up "Bert"

Pamela Rapinan (L) and Roberta "Bert" Carlson (R)
Roberta Carlson and Pamela,Raven,Sunshine

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