Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Repost: NWSFS at KBTC / Volunteers Needed - 02/24/2010

Posted again on behalf of Michael Citrak - NWSFS Chair:


NWSFS has been invited  to help out at KBTC Public Television for a pledge evening  this Saturday 2/27/2010, 5pm to 7pm.  We'll staff the phones and take pledges for the station.  We need 8 to 10 volunteers to run their's always a lot of fun helping out.

Please let me know if you can volunteer, e-mail me: (mcitrak AT comcast DOT net).  The pledge window is 5pm to 7pm.  Getting there by 4:30pm should be enough time for new people to get the quick instructions for taking pledges and learn which buttons to push on the phones.  The Show during the pledge will be "SCTV Golden Classics!."

If you don't know what SCTV is, it's a great comedy stuff.

KBTC Public Television is a service of Bates Technical College.
The studio is at their Mohler Campus at:

2320 South 19th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405

Basic Directions
I-5 to Tacoma
take Hwy 16
then S.Sprague Ave
left on S 19th
Studio is on left
(Return to Freeway is a little different due to construction).

Please let me know if you'll be there, so we know to watch the front door to let you in .  No really

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